Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mac help? How to delete all files related to a program? Will give 10 points to best answer?

I have a VOX JamVOX; essentially it's a device which when plugged in to a computer, whilst using the appropriate software, allows me to play/record my electric guitar and use said software for effects etc. Lately it stopped working properly on my MacBook Pro running Leopard, however it works on other people's computers. I tried reinstalling it various times but the issue persists. One thing I noticed is that even after deleting all the files I can find, after reinstalling the app, the settings are still the same as I left them, indicating that some files weren't deleted. How can I find and delete all the files related to this application? Using the search function isn't enough, I noticed that it would show me the files in applications but not one I found on my own within library in Application Support. The only way the file would show up in search was if I said "Search Application Support folder", otherwise it wouldn't show up. What can I do to find EVERY SINGLE file? Thanks please help

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